Monday, January 13, 2014

Dalton - Familias can be Together Forever

January 6, 2014

Familias Can Be Together Forever

Ok, so we didn’t have investigators come to church this week, but I'm actually super excited in spite of that.  Our mission president is really making a push now to go find families—something that we haven't exactly focused on in the mission because of the high percentage of couples that live together without being married.  He gave us a few tips to help us find married families.  He said to look for clues that show pride in their children.  He showed us, specifically, that many people with cars have stickers that show all of the members of the family.  No one would put that sticker on their car if they aren’t married.  

As a result of what he has been telling us, I have completely changed my finding tactic.  My primary contacting tool now is the Family Proclamation, and we are now hunters of family stickers.  In the end, we are actually finding married people!  It's incredible!  Perhaps there have been times when I haven't been making the restoration relevant to people.  I can understand if someone doesn’t want to learn about Joseph Smith at first, but if you aren’t interested when I tell you that your family can be a happy family here and after you die, I am not interested in teaching you.  I feel different.  I don’t mean to say that the work is easy, but I feel like we are on the verge of changing a ward that hasn’t experienced "real growth" in many years.  This is so exciting.  

Please add to the prayers Javier and Rosa, Gloria and Luis Espinoza, Jose Castillo, and the Yacila family.  Your prayers have meant a lot to me, and I feel them throughout the day.  I think I am finally learning to understand what a subtle prompting is, and I just wish I had learned to follow them sooner.

Love you all!  Make good choices!

Elder Johnson

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