Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dalton - 9/16/13 email

Q:  ¿Que dijo Goliat al ver a David?  (What did Goliath say when he saw David?)
A:  ¡Que honda!  (What a sling! and also What’s going on?)

Anyway, I'm still here, in case you're wondering.

Don't think that the whole watch thing is super urgent.  I bought a cheap wristwatch a while back, and the only thing about a cheap wristwatch is that it quickly turns into a pocketwatch.  But I mean, it’s still a watch.  But if you do send it, just do it the way you have been, with the big envelope rather than with a package.  I don't want to have to go to Serpost.  It reminds me too much of the DMV, which is the reason I fled the country in the first place.  (One of my companions had to go one time. That's why I know.)

Something very cool happened this week.  There was a couple that I stopped teaching months ago because they weren't progressing and because they were living together.  It was a double whammy.  We found them crossing the street this week and set up an appointment.  One of them, named Lucy, told us that she had been praying for us to come back ever since we stopped teaching.  She had finally been reading the Book of Mormon, and they loved the conference on Sunday, where Elder Bednar and Elder Scott both spoke.  The almost-husband named Idelson also suddenly has more time these days.  It's interesting how the Lord works while the missionaries are gone.

Anyway, I would write more, but I am incredibly frustrated with this spacebar right      now.  I know, I know! I'll read chapter 6 in PMG this week [which is all about Christlike attributes].  Sheesh.

Anyway, love you all.  I'm glad that you and the A's are doing well.

Elder Johnson

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